Editorial Office of the «Hydrometeorological Research and Forecasting»    
(continues «Proceedings of the Hydrometeorological Research Centre of the Russian Federation»)

Predtechenskiy pereulok, 13, 123376, Moscow

The Department of scientific and technical information of Hydrometcentre of Russia
Roman M. Vilfand, Honored meteorologist of the Russian Federation, Doctor of technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Scientific supervisor of Hydrometeorological Research Center of the Russian Federation
e-mail: hmc@mecom.ru.

For over twenty years, the Department of scientific and technical information (DSTI) performs the  publishing  activity in the FSBI  «Hydrometeorological Center of Russia».  DSTI  successfully executes the plans of publications FSBI "Hydrometeorological Center of Russia" (Hydrometeorological Center of Russia) and the points of the plan of publications of scientific and technical literature Roshydromet relating to the Hydrometeorological Center of Russia.

With particular responsibility employees of the Department prepare the journal  "Hydrometeorological Research and Forecasting " for   the publishing  in accordance with the requirements of the Editorial Board.

The printing of journal issues are engaged in typography on contractual basis.

DSTI monitors the implementation of contracts and the legal deposit of publications in the ITAR-TASS, Russian Book Chamber, interacts with JSC "Russian Post" and Scientific Electronic Library (SEL).

Information about the publishing of journals and copies of editions in electronic form are placed on the  website of the Hydrometeorological center of Russia, section "Contents" and forward to the NEB for the site: www.elibrary.ru.

Responsible for the edition of the journal, head  of the Department Zaimskiкh Galina A, Ph.D