Air Temperature.

Only Siberian inhabitants felt a real hot summer weather on the Russia territory since the first day until the end one of June. The last June became here the hottest month on the record, i.e. since 1891. Let remind you, that the last year June was also extremely hot. This time the average monthly air temperature anomalies exceeded +8°. In some areas, the temperature reached 40°, the new temperature records were registered repeatedly.
In the other regions of the country, the warmth and cold replaced each other during the month. In the European territory and Urals the cold weather (even frosts) in the first and second decades was replaced by the heat in the third one. In the south, the temperature was higher than +40°. As a result, if in the Central region, especially in the ETR south, the heat overpowered the cold (average monthly air temperature anomalies are positive here), in the most part of Volga area and Urals the cold at the average during the month overpowered the warmth.
It was colder than usual in the south of the Far East, in the north it was cold, even frosts and warmth replaced each other, as a result, the average monthly air temperature was placed in the third line of the highest ranged values since 1891.

In general, in Russia the last June one can consider as warm month. Its average temperature closes the five highest values since 1891.
The heat dominated in the East Asia. In Mongolia, the average monthly air temperatures exceeded the norm by 3-5°, in China, Korea and Japan – by 2-3°. In the Celestial Empire, the average June temperature is the same as in the hot 2010, and it became the third among the highest values in the ranged row of the data. It was informed, that the heat in Japan caused the casualties.
In the most part of India, the temperature conditions were close to the norm, but at the average during the month, the temperature balance became slightly negative. At the same time, in Pakistan, it was warmer than usual by 1-2°, in the neighbouring territories of the Middle East and Central Asia the heat dominated. The average monthly air temperatures exceeded the norms by 2-3°. In Transcaucasia the new temperature maximums were registered, which exceeded +42°.
In the most part of North Africa, the normal air temperature was registered. However, there were substantial anomalies in some countries. Along the Mediterranean coast (except the west areas of Algeria) and to the south of Sahara the average monthly air temperature exceeded the norm by 1-3°, in the north-west of the continent (Morocco and west of Algeria) it is slightly less the norm.
Once again, the hot weather dominated in Europe. After the absolute maximum in April and May, the continental average monthly air temperature in June also was close to the record and came to the first five highest values. From Atlantic to Ukraine the average monthly air temperatures are higher the norm by 2-3°and more. In Copenhagen and Paris the anomaly is +3.1°, Warsaw - +3.0°, Budapest and Kiev - +2.6°, Prague - +2.4°, Belgrade - +2.0°. Temperature maximums were registered in the west (UK and Ireland), in the east (Ukraine) of the continent. This does not regard to the Scandinavian countries, in the north of which the month became colder than usual (in the north of Norway – by 1.5° and more). In the end of June, the cold weather intruded to the south and east of Europe. In Italy and west of Ukraine, the new minimums of temperature were registered.
Air temperatures in USA continue to surprise. After the record May the June also was surprising. Its average monthly air temperature is the second-third highest on the record. From Arizona to Mississippi and from Kansas to the Gulf of Mexico the average monthly air temperature is in the first five of the highest values. In the central and west part of the country, the temperature norms were exceeded by 2-3° and more. In Kansas and Dallas, the anomaly is +2.7°, in Las Vegas - +3.6°. This warmth was distributed far to the north, captured the west provinces of Canada. In the east of the country the cold dominated. In Quebec and Newfoundland, the temperature is below the norm by 1-2°.
Although the Northern Hemisphere is still very warm (in comparison with the norms of 1961-1990), its June temperature is far from record values of the previous years.
The substantial ocean areas are as usual the cold, where the negative anomalies of the average monthly air temperatures in some places exceed 2°. It is apparent in the low and high latitudes of the Atlantic ocean.
In Moscow the average June air temperature is +17.3°, anomaly is +0.8°. Cold weather of the first decade (anomaly of the average decade temperature is -2.9°) succeeded the norm in the second decade (anomaly +0.9°), and then to the heat in the third decade (anomaly +4.3°).

Ocean Surface Temperature.

As usual, in the east of the equatorial latitudes of the Pacific ocean the negative SST anomalies are observing, it is especially apparent in the Southern Hemisphere. However, they are not big, this situation is the neutral phase of the Southern oscillation. Anomaly of the average value of the sea surface temperature of the Pacific ocean in the Northern Hemisphere keeps the level +0.5°. Most part of the ocean area is in the positive anomalies. To the east of Japan and in the north of Bering sea they exceed +2°.
For the first time over the last 4 years the average sea surface temperature of the Atlantic ocean in the Northern Hemisphere decreased to the norm. Very cold water is observed in the substantial part of the area. In equatorial, tropical and in the west of mid latitudes the SST is below the norm by 1° and more. Only in sub-tropics and near European coast, as well as in peripheral seas of Mediterranean, Black, Northern and Baltic seas the water is warmer the norm by 1° and more, in the central part of the ocean – by 2° and more.


The precipitation norm and in some places higher the norm, appeared in ETR only in the north. Further to the south, it was a few rains, in some places they were not observed over the month. Sometimes the seldom rans were very heavy. In the Central Russia in the end of the first decade, the rains were heavy, in Krasnodar district the same situation was observed in the beginning of the third decade. It was up to 60 mm of the rain over the day. In the beginning of the month in the north-east of Volga Federal district it was possible to the observe the snow from the sky. In some areas of the south (Volgograd and Rostov areas, Crimea and Kalmyk republics) the drought took the place.
In Urals, it was a lot of rains. In some places, the norms were exceeded in 1.5-2.0 times and more. In the most part of Siberia, there were a few rains. Only in Irkutsk area, Transbaikalia and Taimyr they have set the norm, in Taimyr it was snow.
Abundance of the precipitations was in the south to Far East. They did not leave the region all second part of the month. Here the precipitations norms were exceeded in 2 times. More than 50mm of rains fell over the day. In the north of the region, the dry weather dominated in Yakutia and Kolyma.
Mongolia and central Chinese provinces have got the dry weather. South and west of Celestial Empire cumulated the rains for 1.5-2.0 of the norm, in some places more. In the south of Korea, the capital of the Winter Olympics 2018 PyeongChang suffered from rains and floods. In Japan, it was surprisingly few rains for this time of the year, which are called the period of “plum rains”. Only in the south of this island country, Gaemy typhoon brought unprecedented amount of rains, 500 mm over two days.
Heavy showers of the south-east monsoon were observed in all Indochina. However, in general over the month the precipitations sums have set here roughly the norm and some more.
Heavy monsoon showers hurled at the east and north states of India and Bangladesh. They caused the landslides with the hundreds thousand people suffered, tens of people are considered as lost under the obstructions.
Mainly dry weather was in the Central Asia. Only sometimes the heavy showers, as for instance, in Kirgizia in the second decade, caused the mudflows with the utility buildings ruined. In some places in Turkmenia, Kirgizia, Tajikistan and north-east of Kazakhstan the precipitations norms were exceeded in 1.5-2.0 times.
In the Middle East the rains had very local character. In the most part of the region, it was absence of rains, but in some place abundance of them. In Tehran, the norm was exceeded in 1.5 times, in some areas of Turkey – in 2-3 times. Heavy showers fell in Georgia.
It was dry in the most part of North Africa. It was cumulated a norm of atmosphere precipitations in the underbelly of Sahara from Senegal to Nigeria.
The dry weather opposed to the rains in the central and east areas of the continent. The rains fell in Spain and France. In Valencia, it fallen more than 50mm of rain over the 12 hours. Steady rains in Greece caused the numerous floods. Athens suffered from rains. Some resort areas in Khalkidhiki peninsula were flooded. In some places, the precipitation norms here were exceeded in 1.5-3.0 times. In Balkans, it was cumulated 70mm of rains over the day. At the same time, the drought attacked the east of Ukraine.
The most part of the North Africa cumulated lot of rains during June. In the central provinces of Canada from north territories to US border the monthly precipitation sums exceeded the norm in 1.5-2.0 times. Approximately the precipitation norm and in some places more, is in the most part of USA. The same situation in Mexico. Although here in some places the norms are exceeded in 2 times and more. In the west of USA, it was very dry. From Colorado to the Pacific ocean, the rains became here the seldom phenomena. In states of California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona there are areas, which the rainclouds did not reach. The same situation also is in the east and west of Canada.
In Moscow, it fell 56mm of rain or ¾ of the norm. Let us remind, that last June in the capital was “very wet”, precipitations exceeded the norm in 2 times.