Air Temperature.

As it known, the last March (2017) was the warmest month in Russia on the record. In the country the air temperature norms were exceeded. In the centre – by 4-5°, Siberia and north of the Far East - by 7-12°.

The exact antithesis of it became the present March. At this moment, the cold weather for almost entire month dominated in the most part of Russia. From west borders to Yakutia the average monthly air temperature was below the norm. Especially large negative anomalies were formed in the European territory. From Low Volga area to Arctic ocean coast the average monthly air temperature is below the norm by 2-5°, in Komi republic – by 6°. March 2018 became the coldest one in XXI century in Volga area, the second coldest month in Urals and north of ETR and the third in the Central area. During the month repeatedly the new minimal temperature values were registering. First time in happened on the 2nd  and the last time – 30th of March. In Yakutia the frost were reaching -50°, in Chukotka and Kolyma -40…-45°, in Siberia  -35°, in Urals and north of ETR -30° and lower, in Central Russia -25°. In Chernozem area such colds have not been seen more than half century. In the Central Russia March became colder than January, it happens very rare.

Only in the south of European territory and Siberia and Far East the month became warmer than usual. In Stavropol and Krasnodar districts, republics of North Caucasus in the middle of the March the air was heated up to +20°. In the third decade the early warmth came to Altai, south areas of Krasnoyarsk district and Irkutsk region, Transbaikalia. In the first and third decades the abnormal warmth came to the north-east of Russia. Here the average decade air temperatures exceeded the norm by 8-10°.


Air Temperature.

February weather in Russia was intricate. It would seem that the closer to the spring, the warmer the weather should be. But everything has happened vice versa. In the first half of the month the air temperature in the most part of the country exceeded the norm noticeably. Over the first decade the average decade air temperature anomalies from west border to East Siberia have set +2…10°. New warmth records were registered in Krasnodar district and Crimea, in Russian North, Kamchatka, Chukotka and all Russian Arctic. In the middle of the month the abnormal warmth was kept only in the south of ETR and to the east of Urals. In the third decade all Russian territory, except north-east, Arctic territories and part of North Caucasus republics was captured by abnormally cold air. Temperature norms in the third decade became lower than real values by 4-10°. Record colds were registered in European territory, it was lower than -30°. The single country region with exceptionally warm weather during all month was north-east (Kamchatka, Chukotka, Kolyma). Here in all decades the average monthly air temperature exceeded the norm by 6-12° and more.
As a result, the average monthly air temperature of February in the north of Far East federal district is the second highest on the record. It succeeds only to the February 1934, i.e. the year which became the part of the period of the first instrumentally fixed Arctic warming. In other Russian regions the change of the warmth and cold caused the proximity of the average monthly air temperature to the norm. It was slightly colder the norm in the most part of ETR and in the south of Far East, warmer – to the east of Urals, where the Arctic coast, as before, showed the warmth records.