The key weather and climate features in the northern hemisphere in June 2016

Air temperature

In the European part of Russia, especially in the north, the beginning of summer was more like a prolonged spring. The air temperature in the first week was by 2-3°С below the norm. In the Russian North, since 25-degree heat in May, came freeze and record values of minimum air temperature, only at polar stations still were recorded extremely high temperatures. In the second half of the month, the heat returned to the European Russia, in the third decade anomalies exceeded + ... 3 to 5°C. At the end of the month in the Southern Federal District, the air heated almost to + 40°C, in many places across the European territory were set the new daily temperature highs. Nevertheless, the cold start of the month affected the average temperature value. Almost everywhere, it was close to normal or slightly above it.

Quite a different picture was formed in the Urals. In Siberia and in the north of the Far East, almost the whole month was abnormally hot. New highs were repeatedly recorded in Evenkia, Turukhansk region, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District, Omsk, Tomsk and Novosibirsk region, in Kolyma and Chukotka. As a result, there the monthly average temperature exceeded the norm by 3-8°C. Past June was the warmest in the history of meteorological observations in the north of the Far Eastern Federal District, and after June 2012 it was the second warmest in the Siberian Federal District. In the south of the Far East air temperature mainly corresponded to normal.


The key weather and climate features in the northern hemisphere in May 2016

Air temperature

In the Russian North during the whole month prevailed abnormally warm weather. The thermometers rose to 27-29°C. New record maximum temperatures have been established. As a result, the average monthly temperature anomalies were above 4°C here, and last May was the warmest in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. Only in the distant 1897, May was also a little warmer - by 0.1°C.

To the south of the European part of Russia, the mean temperature for the month were close to normal, or even colder then it. In the Pskov and Leningrad regions, Republic of Karelia, the Upper Volga was observed freezing. The same happened in the southern Urals, but there, as well as in the Volga and Western Siberia, in the third decade came hot weather with temperatures up to 30 °C and above.